Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reh #1: Inspirations

One Apartment Six Drummers
a group of Nordic percussionists use everyday objects to create sound scores.


We talked about kinaesthesia , and what makes audience members really feel something when a dancer is moving.
We spoke of Marshall McLuhan and technology and tools- how they become part of the body

Cognitive Therapy- BF Skinner

(Please go deeper than wikipedia!)

We used objects:
Metronome x 5
Alarm clock
Crazy coffee maker

We spoke of smells: rubber motor smells, coffee, cinnamon.
We danced solos and together. Like a relay race

We spoke of AC/DC and  Topsy (not Zippy) the elephant who was used to make Edison's case against AC:

Animating objects
Harmony of sounds of objects
Messes and breaking things
Dropping things
Using the ceiling- pulleys, etc
Rhythm and repetition

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Beginnings/ Revisits/ Always Editing

Richard in "unstatic: motions in electricity"

Amber in Stereo Dance part of "Endangered Species"

Hi Richard and Amber- I wonder if you two are available either tomorrow or after holidays? I just would like to touch base regarding the April project “Dances/Devices”, photo shoot (!) and scheduling
research: (you know these a bit already!)

Also the light bulb dance from Endangered Species, which was pretty cool.

I have:
Lights and objects
Tape recorders
Record player

The difference with this show is it is wide open L’Uni space with no fixed seating at this point, and what I would call mini-stages or sets. More like movie sets. People wander between. Amber might be doing ultra slo motion in one location while a more dynamic duet is going on at the other side and the two eventually merge. Some folks might stick with watching Amber the whole time.
No 4th wall. It is constantly changing.
We might take some techniques from Grand Poney’s “dors” . Anyone seen it? They touch and move the audience around.

I am still quite undecided in terms of sound...
If you don’t have time to get together we can converse like this for a while. I would love to find a weekly or bi-weekly time in the new year so that it is not too intense right at the end.
Looking forward to this!